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Important Info & CARE...
CHECK REGULARLY underneath the beads of the bottom hook!!!
There may be fraying or small nicks that can cause the bottom hook to snap off when handling a fish.
ALWAYS lift the actual fish - NOT the leader/rig - in order to remove the fish from the bottom hook.
If there are nicks or frays in the leader underneath the beads and the fish shakes -
or even the weight of the fish - can cause the hook to snap off!
If there is wear under these beads, please replace the rig. No need to lose a large fish
at the top of the water from a rig break. Please keep this in mind while using these Rigs!
Just like anything exposed to saltwater, the hooks, spinners and virtually any metal part
will rust faster if not cared for properly. TIP: Before you put you rig away after you are done
catching the 'Big One', rinse the entire rig in fresh water and tap dry with a towel or rag.
Use the zip bag the rig came in as its storage holder and make sure it is not wet inside.
This little advice will keep your rigs clean and less rust will accumulate after each use.
TIP: If your rigs get kinked or bent 'out-of-shape' due to fishing or packaging and are not
damaged, frayed or cut, hang the hook on a loop-eye or somewhere you won't dull the hook,
grab the swivel end and pull taught. Then, take a hair dryer and hold it quite
close/almost touching the line (make sure not to melt the mono) and heat up the
monofilament for a few seconds in each spot where there is a kink, waving the
blow dryer back and forth. As long as you hold the line taught and heat up
the line, the kinks should come and and your rig will be like new!
My rigs tend to work better in 'deeper' water ('deeper' as in more than 10' deep).
I have fished in the shallower South Shore Bays and on the North Shore of Long Island
where the water is only around 4'-9' deep and found that my rigs
work good, but not as great as they do in the deeper water.
Montauk, Mattituck, Greenport, Freeport, Captree, New Jersey, Rhode Island -
all deep waters I've fished and KILLED!
Because My "ORIGINAL" Doormat Fluke Rigs® contain 2 hooks in TANDEM
(one "Hi" & one "Lo" - but BOTH BELOW the swivel),
they are not highly recommended for use on Open/Party Boats -
unless you are a skilled angler. It's bad enough if you tangle with your neighbor with
one hook, but it's a real pain to try and untangle 2 hooks - especially if you or they use braided line.
The Party Boats' Mates and Captain may also get upset if the 2 hooks cause problems.
My favorite way of fishing for fluke with my rigs is to put a piece of 4-5 inch fluke belly
on the bottom hook with a spearing or two (you can use squid and spearing combo as well),
and a shorter (like 2-3 inches long) piece of belly or squid on the top hook with only one spearing.
If you put 2 spearing or longer strips on the top hook,
your rig may have a tendency to create unwanted tangles
- so keep it simple up top! Keep this in mind when baiting up and you'll
catch more fish with less tangles as you would with other brand hi-lo rigs!
Oh yeah, please make sure the fluke belly is legal! Don't cut a small fish
just to get belly. You can get plenty of belly after filleting those
nice keepers you'll catch using a Doormat Fluke Rig™!
Yes, you can still catch fish by just dead-sticking while you drift,
but I, as well as most of the regulars I fish with, bounce, bounce, bounce.
Bouncing seems to attract more fluke.
Tap that sinker on the bottom a lot and don't stop!
You'll notice more bouncing = more fish!
Most of the time you'll just 'rip it out of their mouths' or pull it away from them.
After you get that initial 'hit', give a little line to the fish and after 2-3 seconds,
begin to lift slowly (make sure your reel is locked). Feel that weight???
Most fluke anglers have a tendency to jerk the rod up to try and hook the fish right away.
With fluke, patience is a virtue (unless he's a real Doormat and swallows the whole thing 1st shot!).
Give it a couple of seconds and you won't lose as many fish!
Use your FREE fish finder/sinker slide!! Slide your fish finder on your line first,
then tie your Doormat Fluke Rig® to the line via the Spro® swivel and attach your sinker to the fish finder.
You can use a 3-way swivel, but my rigs seem to work a great deal better using a fish finder.
Make sure when you bounce you feel that swivel banging
and in CONSTANT CONTACT with the fish finder!
If not, you may let out too much line and won't be on the bottom where the fluke live.
Hope you've enjoyed your shopping experience
Happy Fluking!!